Basshunter – Dota

Basshunter – Dota – – – –…

Dota 2 fail/win compilation Submit your clip / Manda tu video: Facebook…

Originally posted 2016-08-01 14:53:35.

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50 Responses to “Basshunter – Dota”

  1. UnlimitedChannel says:

    95% of all the Dota fans hates LoL, that just proves how stupid they are…

  2. Bill Murray says:

    That one guy playing CS Source at 1:56

  3. Kiro Maeda says:

    This song is Incredible. DotA is incredible. But i don’t like DotA 2. 

  4. King Arthur says:

    Who said gamers don’t get pussy??

  5. Tony Tony Chopper says:

    you guys are all noobs Dota is a MOBA mod for warcraft 3 XD

  6. Davysama, Ph.D says:

    Song name? And pls don’t give me that dard e sunstrike song or whateve cuz
    it’s not funny alright? if you have a problem 1v1 me irl, no water

  7. LawlipoopChannel says:

    cod is better than dota or lol

  8. maGe poTz says:


  9. Madkip s says:

    Лайк кто из 2014

  10. Gooknukem says:

    what the fuck

  11. Newsadex says:

    Dota and LoL are shit.

  12. Jacob R says:

    Ahhhhh the days of walking into my mates room and him showing me this. A
    whole new world was shown to me!

  13. Gordon Freeman says:

    *A*eon of

  14. Admiral says:

    Dota best game in gaming history, period. From every aspect.

  15. Braden Rikli says:

    League is just so boring and cookie cutter, everything is exactly the same
    every fucking match from lane metas, to viable champions, to item builds.
    everything is exactly the same every single game. Dota there’s a brand new
    mix of heroes, lanes, strategies, and items bought depending on the
    situation every game. I was Plat season 1 , 2200 season 2, diamond 1
    /challenger for 2 weeks in season 3 , and now that its season 4 and the
    game is rlly unbalanced and boring, i went to Dota 2. best decision ever.

  16. themysteriousfigure0 says:

    I like both Dota AND League of Legends!

    Wonder how much hate im gonna get for that.

  17. Cho 'Gath says:

    “i feel you man” Shadow shaman old times T.T

  18. ElectroSandwichMaker 9000 says:

    ye fockin wot m9 u sed dtoa 3 sux dik? 1v1 me club penguin dooshebeg i swer
    on me mum ill no scope you and get in mlgfazeoptic clan team n00b, no fire
    cards k

  19. Luluko Vi Britannia says:

    This the all I Ever Wanted beat, He used it again X) Sounds so sick.

  20. Bishnach says:

    I won a game of Dota and got 3 gfs. Can confirm video is true

  21. BlueGlach says:

    fkn dreamhack right here

  22. Özkan -Okuzanasourus- Akman says:

    Imagine Dragons can suck it :D

  23. arkouda gamo says:

    And know he is playing lol….Dem traitor.

  24. Rainbow2766 says:

    I remember watching this when I was younger and it scared the shit out of
    me. The woman at the beginning looks like she is about to stab them all up

  25. Cerealkiller says:

    Ironically the album this single was released from was called LOL <(^^,)>

  26. MrHerrFreundlich says:

    Suscribete 😛 !

  27. TheGrizzlyC5 says:

    Еврогеи,вам не надоело под каждым роликом писать про Россию? -_-

  28. FuckingGames says:

    Hola muchachos , invito a todos a ver el contenido de mi canal , gratis y
    estupido xD , bueno si les gusta hacen de las suyas , gracias por leer este

  29. Yee Dan Low says:

    2:13 wait what!? look at the icon on top of the invoker head…

  30. Gamer66Pro says:


  31. Edyardos Svincovskii says:

    Мне стыдно за наш народ….

  32. Ach Shetty says:

    super…u r getting better than dota cinema

  33. JoshPalerLin says:


  34. ThunderVoltali says:

    Why Dota players hate League of Legends so much? I like both LoL and DOTA
    but it looks like i can’t.

  35. tulp35000 says:

    Russia IS gaaaaaaaaaaay… everyone in it has aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiids…
    because they had buttseeeeeeeeex,… wha wha wha what did i saaaaaa –
    aaa – aaaaaaaaay?

  36. 3oin says:

    the first one invoker can get banned for. reason: international ability

  37. FanaticBall says:

    Anyone can tell me the classical music at 1:03 

  38. Никита Ильин says:


  39. lalsaksjdhfggggs says:

    your a GENOUIS, love the diting with rubick, the picture AWESOME idea 

  40. Cryolisk says:

    can anyone tell me the name of the song at 4:25?

  41. MDDR says:

    Author Channel Banned Russian chatting

  42. TheDeluxzzz says:

    Свора ебланов в комментах если уж пишите на русском на иностранном канале,
    то пишите нормальные комменты. Потом не удивляйтесь что о вас так плохо
    думают. Как вы относитесь к другим, так и другие так к вам относятся.

  43. Rathial says:

    Your editing has gotten way better ^^

  44. Dmitriy Chinnov says:

    где вы такие моменты берете?))))

  45. Сука Блядович says:

    Here could be your insult to Russian.

  46. Makareno94 says:

    The fuck with those ice shards? I once played against Tusk and this happens
    to me 2 times… the hell, volvo plz… 

  47. maloi16s says:

    iDi NAHOOOY.@BigDaddy

  48. Игорь Васильев says:

    А срубить деревья никак нельзя было?

  49. Andromedar Skillet says:

    cant terror just buy tango?? and walk out??

  50. Rizky Eka Satya says:


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